

Question by  MartinFarmakov (285)

What interior design tricks can make a rectangle shape room more interesting?


Answer by  mitchelld (122)

For such rooms I always advise to separate the room into areas so that the furniture as arranged contains distinct purposes. Use a focal point such as a window or fireplace as a starting point. Keep furniture away from the walls themselves to avoid an overly shell feel. Furniture can be placed at angles as well.


Answer by  lovebug2421 (189)

Paint can do wonders in transforming any room. Try to paint one wall a contrasting color or paint designs on the walls, such as stripes or boxes. Placing mirrors on the walls can counteract the different sizes of the walls. The room can also be divided with furniture.


Answer by  DouglasEarlClore (1236)

Decorate one of the shorter walls with a double row of 12 inch mirror panels slightly above shoulder height, or paint two walls one color and two another (complementary colors).


Answer by  mellysa (162)

A great idea would be to use a lot of mirrors. You could even make one wall a big mirror. This will make the room appear bigger. You could also use a lot of bold colors or overstuffed furniture to make the room appear to be larger than it actually is.

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