health conditions


Question by  Wolfwerx (76)

What happens if you have a hyper active thyroid?


Answer by  FIOREL (55)

This means your thyroid gland is overactive and is producing too much thyroid hormone. Possible symptoms include irritability, anxiety, increased heart rate, nervousness,hand tremors, increased perspiration, fine or brittle hair, dry skin, and difficuly sleeping. This is treatable. Seek professional medical attention.


Answer by  harriett (428)

A hyperactive thyroid involves the production of too much of the thyroid hormone. As a result many of the body's activities speed up. Rapid heartbeat, fatigue, weight loss, anxiety, excessive perspiration, and bulging eyes are some of the many symptoms. Depending on the cause of the excessive hormone production, the condition may be treated with medication or surgery.


Answer by  Donna41 (61)

If you have a hyperactive thyroid you have hyperthyroidism. This means that your body recieves too much of the thyroid hormone and, as a result, your metabolism speeds up.


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

A hperactive thyroid can cause weight loo, nervousness, protruding eye, etc. Your thyroid is putting out too much hormone and it can upset your whole body. There are medical treatments.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

A couple of things one you wont feel well at all because you will lose a lot of weight super fast and you won't be able to gain any of it back until you see the doctor and they give you meds for it.

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