

Question by  lif0a0 (25)

What gauge speaker wire do I need to get the best sound?


Answer by  SamDesouza (67)

The sound quality of a speaker has little to do with the wire. You just need to make sure that the wire is thick enough to handle the current.


Answer by  Rick1970 (137)

The larger the wire the less resistance, and therefore better sound. However it takes high end gear to really hear the difference. Smaller gauge number the larger the wire size.


Answer by  Bob86 (165)

That does very much depend on a number of things. The length of the speaker wire the power output of the amplifier, the impedance of the system all have an effect on the speaker cable selection. Whilst this is true, the resistance has the greatest effect, so the larger the guage of speaker wire the better (within reason).


Answer by  ulisses (291)

I believe that you will have to go to a sound station then they could help but you have to lossen the wires then put the wires that match and then connect them together then the sounds can be loud just enough the way that you wanted then you can hide the cordsso they cant get wet

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