

Question by  tongyun (11)

What does it take to become an SVU police detective?


Answer by  Desine (427)

"SVU" isn't a standard police unit. In the US, police departments are organized in a variety of different ways, and only the largest departments have large, fixed units which specialize in a particular sort of crime. If you want to become a detective, you'll probably need a college degree.


Answer by  Tammy (585)

You will need at least a bachelors degree (a masters degree in criminal or forensic science is recommended with a high GPA), from there it is an application selection process.


Answer by  Stan567 (417)

There aren't any special requirement to become an "SVU" detective. Police officers receive academy training, followed by an assignment as a patrol officer. After a certain amount of time, they take tests to become detectives. Detectives can usually apply to areas of particular interest to them.


Answer by  noey1958 (1405)

You would have to be a regular Police Officer to advance to the position of a Detective. Then you would have to apply for the position to be an SVU officer.If your department even has this distinction.


Answer by  Aral (184)

The first thing you're going to have to do is join a police department somewhere. Generally this will require attending a police academy training program and you may also have to seek out some training in criminal justice before that.

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