

Question by  toni59 (2)

What does error 504 mean?


Answer by  scdan2002 (40)

504 errors occur when a server takes to long to respond to a request. This can be due to network issues, or the server being down.


Answer by  jon5312 (120)

the error 504 is when your internet connection has timed out and you might have a slight problem with your connection


Answer by  richard91 (107)

The error means a web server you are trying to communicate with takes too long to respond, and is considered "timed-out". You can't do anything about it, it's their problem.


Answer by  alonadeocadez (45)

The 504 Gateway Timeout error is an HTTP status code which means one server did not receive a timely response from another server that it was accessing while attempting to load the web page or fill another request by the browser.

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