

Question by  P32nicky (73)

What does access 2000 input mask allow you to see?

I need more information concerning the access 2000 input mask.


Answer by  GilFinn (2065)

An Input Mask provide data-entry checks such as making sure field values match patterns (e.g. SSN's, or show placeholders, automatically fill in constant characters like dashes or parentheses.


Answer by  markochiguegmailcom (514)

Input masks ONLY ALLOW certain characters or groups of characters to be entered in a given field. For example an input mask of "0000" requires four digits to be typed.


Answer by  jimartin (74)

The input mask allows you to allow or force a user to enter numeric or alphabetic data. The entry of data can be required or set as optional. You may also force a user to use upper case or lower case.


Answer by  kbubba (44)

The input mask is used to control the value of a record. It sets it to a specific format. It will display the format on the datasheet before the any data is entered. Like a telephone number you can set the parenthesis, the space and hyphen so on the form that is what you will see.


Answer by  Kit (558)

Microsoft Access 2000 input mask, control the way users enter data into a database. For example, a question Mark (?) denotes a character (letters) and a zero denotes a number (0-9). For example, MSA/??00/TR - where ? stands for any letter and O stands for any digit.


Answer by  jmansfie (282)

Access 2000's input mask allows you to format data entries to a specified format. For example, a "date" input mask might convert all data entries containing calendar dates to dd/mm/yyyy format. A "money" input mask might convert all entered numbers to a $x. xx format. Input masks provide data consistency.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

This is a program that concerns visual basic and you can enter data in put as fast as possible and very conveniently.

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