


Question by  BamaGirl (21)

What do zucchini leaves look like?


Answer by  Betty0320 (734)

Zucchini leaves are wide like maple leaves. They are bright green and can sometimes have white veins down the middle. They have a grainy texture. Zucchinis also have flowers that are long and yellow. They are usually closed in a spiraled cone and can be eaten in salads and even cooked!


Answer by  worker3384 (157)

There are many different shapes to Zucchini leaves , but for the most part they all have a mottled look, silver markings. Some larger leaves has a huge amount of silver mottling on them. On first sight this can be thought to be mold.


Answer by  SIDDHU (861)

Zucchini leaves are green coloured leaves which look somewhat similar to pumpkin leaves. They also creep on the ground. The green coloured leaves are very distinctive and look very attractive if the plant is healthy.


Answer by  Darkephoenix (1789)

They tend to be narrow at the top and very broad near the stem, generally a nice medium green when mature. Looks kind of like a pointed heart.


Answer by  worker8739 (555)

The leaves are very large and rather prickly. They provide a canopy to protect the fruit from sunburn. Mature leaves have silver/gray streaks on them.

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