

Question by  Cats (28)

What do opthamologists do?


Answer by  motliec (183)

An opthamologist is a doctor that can examine your eyes and prescribe glasses or contacts if you need them. Opthamologists also can do surgery on the eyes. An example would be to remove a cataract from the eye.


Answer by  becky35 (108)

Ophthamologist specialize in treating disorders of the eye. They prescribe medicine and glasses. They also can perform various eye surgeries to help you maintain good eye health. They can work in hospitals, and private practices.


Answer by  mii (237)

Ophthalmologists are eye doctors. You go in and she/he will conduct a series of tests to see if your eyes are working properly. If you need corrective lenses, she can prescribe them to you and fit you for them.


Answer by  Crystalb (163)

Ophthalmologists are medical doctors that diagnose and treat diseases of the eye. They will also sometimes do surgical procedures on the eyes. They can also do routine exams, but sometimes insurance will not cover visiting them, if an optometrist can do the same job. They usually work in practice together.


Answer by  kd97 (733)

They are special doctors, educated to provide care for people's eyes. They specialize in diseases, visual pathways, surgery, and all other aspects of eye care and health.


Answer by  Aubrey (356)

An opthamologist diagnoses and treats all types of eye disorders. They deal specifically with the physiology, function and anatomy of the eyes.


Answer by  elynne (1153)

These are medical doctors that have specialized in the care and treatment of disease and problems associated with the eyes.

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