

Question by  elsewhen (627)

What do moths eat?


Answer by  Anonymous

small children mostly. Sometimes pets and other types of animals left out around the house will fall victim to a hungry moth as well. Any way you look at it, moths are dangerous creatures and need to be treated with a very healthy level of respect.

posted by Anonymous
how are moths dangerous creatures and why do you say need to b treated with a very healthy level of respect???? i don't understand what you mean you should clarify it  add a comment
posted by Anonymous
Moths are not dangerous. if you say that moths are dangerous, get that thought out of your head. you got that . ok good.  add a comment
posted by Anonymous
You think you are sooooooooo funny but you are just being retarded/a turd.  add a comment
posted by Anonymous
Seiriusly?  add a comment
posted by Anonymous
he's joking you muppet  add a comment
posted by Anonymous
Bahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahah, moths loveeee eating kids! Don't stay to close children(: And whatever you do, don't raise carier moths, they will just turn around and eat you!  add a comment

Answer by  Anonymous

we caught a moth and didn't know what to feed it!!! they eat nectar like mostt butterflies or muddy water to suck nutrients out of the soil. mostly it depends on what type of moth. they eat the juice frum fruits mostly its all liquids.


Answer by  elaine (450)

Depends on the variety of the moth. For example, the common clothes moth munches away on cashmere sweaters and lesser woolens. The Indian meal moth favors grains, flour, cheesecloth and paper. They all do serious damage keeping themselves alive and are nearly impossible to eradicate.


Answer by  Anonymous

It depends on the type of moth, but most moths drink necter. They do not eat, but suck things up instead. They also enjoy sugar water and fruit juice (from a fruit, not a carton!). Also, Moths and butterflies are the same thing. and only one type eats wool fibers!!!


Answer by  Anonymous

Most moths drink nectar. larvae eat alot


Answer by  Scott (109)

Most moths are actually nectar eaters. That means that they fly at night but they still eat from flower sources just like butterflies do. Some of their favorite flower nectar sources are night-blooming flowers such as night-blooming jasmine and moonflowers.


Answer by  Anonymous

haehehaeh. I caught a moth just now, and I fed it with some hasj and redbull. It took out a long trunk and slurped a few drops of redbull under a glass :). the moth came to eat instantly. wicked...


Answer by  isabella (46)

usually moths eat everything (especially clothing)

posted by Anonymous
Only one type of moth 'eats' clothing! In fact, they do not eat, THEY DRINK!  add a comment

Answer by  Steven (309)

Not all moths are prone to eating. They have a very short lifespan and have only one purpose really in life and that is to breed and lay eggs. It all depends on the type of moth and if they do eat it usually is on nector.


Answer by  Anonymous

idk i have moths at home and they seem to drink or suck liquid from something. EX:fruits and flowers.


Answer by  kingodis (0)

moths eat netor they also eat blackentes as well


Answer by  Anonymous

lily poppy daddy poppy mummy aaron charlie sarah sophie phill geoge val lily daddy mummy charlie peach apple bannana orange puppy kitten plum mango tangorin pig sheep cow horse bull gearoaffe elephant rabbit mole mouse rat lizard squirrle chipmunk dog cat cammle monkey snake snail slug chinchilla woodlouce centerpead millerpead

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