

Question by  bozguy (22)

What do I have to know for the forklift training test?

I will be taking it next week.


Answer by  Dahloan (294)

A score of 70 percent must be received on the test, which is given by the Occupational Health and Safety Office(OSHA). The exam can include information on the following areas: parts of a lift truck, mechanics of a forklift, forklift operation and safety, maintance of the truck,and refueling and recharging of a forklift.


Answer by  mandown (416)

OSHA has very specific requirements for the forklift training test. The most important thing is to know all of the safe driving techniques you've learned over the years.


Answer by  Moriveth (14)

Do not go too fast, forklifts are meant to be driven slowly. Be sure people are clear of the forklift when you operate it.

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