


Question by  Aimala (30)

What do good step mothers do?

I am going to be a step mother soon.


Answer by  cynstres (82)

Good step mothers don't put down the child's mother. Step mom's should be good listeners and respect the child's relationship with their moms.


Answer by  mousie82 (19)

Love the children. Let them come to you. Understand that there is an adjustment period for everyone involved with a step-parent. Approach this with patience.


Answer by  sailoryue (853)

things you dont want to do is to try to get INTO their lives right off the bat. go at it slowly, but dont spoil the children


Answer by  Erynn (1651)

It depends on the age of the stepkids. The best thing to do is to take their lead; they'll let you know what they need you to be.

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