

Question by  Chinsa13 (40)

What can cause sores on a dog's head and back?


Answer by  thirddaynate (36)

Either an irritation or a rash. Possible parasites that can cause harm to the canines skin. Frequent with using the wrong grooming products. I would recommend if this happens to contact a veterinarian right away. Parasites can be fleas and ticks. Shampoo's for humans are most likely not recommended. Also in some instances abuse can be present as well.


Answer by  Shishimai (35)

You not keeping your dog clean, or it has a disease.


Answer by  koalapooperz (51)

Anything from excessive licking, over scratching, and ringworm can cause a dog to develop neck and head sores. All can be treated if caught soon enough.


Answer by  aeturnus (474)

There are a number of factors that can lead to sores on a dog's head and back, and a vet would be the first place of choice for a proper diagnosis. Some factors could be ringworm, insect bites, or pyoderma.


Answer by  Riley (765)

Your dog might have hot spots which are caused flea bites, allergies, poor grooming and mites. You dog could also have mange. This is a condition caused by mites. There are many causes for dog skin sores. If they don't go away or are infected, see a Vet for treatment.

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