pet health


Question by  udaiark (7)

What can be causing cat buttock bleeding?


Answer by  ryark (243)

Usually when a cat is bleeding from anywhere on its body, it is caused by an abscess or injury. Any bleeding is cause to take your cat to the veterinarian. Abscesses are very painful, and are usually caused by another animal (usually another cat, a raccoon, or a dog, in that order) either scratching or biting your cat.


Answer by  JustMeKC (341)

Any number of things. Worms, Inanimate Object in the bowel, Ulcer, Perforated Bowel. Please seek Emergency Vet Assitance asap! Your cats life is in danger right now. Rectal Bleeding for any animal can be terminal.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

A cat can cause that by themselves by over grooming because they are stressing over something a new person in the house another cat or dog a new baby crying.


Answer by  greed (15)

Are you sure is the buttock's? If a female cat it might be hes period.Most female mammals have them too!If its the buttocks indeed,then it mus thave a serious infection.

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