

Question by  babygirl (1)

What can a rusty nail do to someone who stepped on it?


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

You could get a staph infection. You could get tetanus, another common illness that is a high risk for penetration wounds. See a doctor.


Answer by  Ginny (2251)

Any deep puncture wound can cause tetanus, or lockjaw. Tetanus cannot be diagnosed by blood test. The recommded procedure is to immediately get injected with tetanus immune globulin.


Answer by  Rachel54 (109)

It can give a person tetanus, or just give them a nasty puncture wound, which can lead to an infection.


Answer by  John (9008)

Obviously, it can create a wound that can become infected. The biggest risk would be for tetanus, if the person stepping on the nail is not currently innoculated against it.


Answer by  Anonymous

go to a doctor and get a tetanus shot clean it first.


Answer by  Anonymous


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