health conditions


Question by  worker6012 (45)

What are your blood pressure concerns when you have a hyperthyroid?


Answer by  Kam (88)

Blood pressure can be highly elavated. Too much salt is known to cause high blood pressure So it is best to avoid salt as much as possible. High blood pressure is a big risk for heart disease and Stroke. Exercise can also help lower blood pressure but proper diet and being smoke free also helps.


Answer by  symphonyparis (493)

Hyper means fast in medical speak, so the issue at hand would be how high is the blood pressure? Since the thyroid controls a great amount in the body, if is going to effect no only the blood pressure but the entire body. The heart rate will increase and with that the rest of the body is working harder.


Answer by  Terbow (21)

A hyperthyroid releases excess hormones into your bloodstream. When your heart encounters the effects of these hormones, it will pump faster and harder to purge them from your body.

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