health conditions


Question by  SBryant (32)

What are tonsillotiths?

My daughter was diagnosed with this and I am not sure what it is.


Answer by  kungfukid (1241)

It is a hard stoney like material that accumulates on and around the tonsils. It is usually caused by food that has accumulated in the back of the throat.


Answer by  dhuoda (1431)

These are harmless little stones of hard material which can accumulate around the tonsil area. They are probably made up of compressed food remains and can be very easily removed if they cause any irritation.


Answer by  sapphire51 (1048)

Tonsillitis is an acute inflammation or infection of the tonsils, which are located in the folds of the throat between the tongue and the palate. In young children, these spongy, glandular tissues serve as a barrier to help keep infections from entering the body through the mouth and nose. The adenoids technically another set of tonsils may also become infected.


Answer by  dryuha (735)

Correct spelling of tonsillotiths will be tonsilloliths which means tonsils stones. It is due to the debris (including bacterial and other materials including dead cells and mucus )that are trapped which become hardened on the tonsils. It colud be due to repeated episodes of inflammation of the tonsils (chronic) called tonsillitis.


Answer by  jheremans (1446)

Tonsillotiths is really not a condition, it can very well be removed with cue tips. These are usually harmless stone like objects that have accumulated around the tonsil area which are composed of hardened food. It is advised that regular brushing and gurgling will prevent this, just remove it with cotton buds and water.

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