

Question by  worker4720 (17)

What are the types of questions you can ask a psychologist?

Will they talk about themselves?


Answer by  KendraL (60)

You can ask many questions when talking to a psychologist. Important questions to ask pertain to the nature of their specific method of psychoanalysis or therapy, as well as their credentials. Therapy is most beneficial when you are the one asking yourself the questions. The psychologist acts as a guide.


Answer by  Kat87 (6)

The purpose of going to a psychologist is to help yourself and because of this all types of questions are fair game. Anything that is on your mind is allowed as long as it is a question that will benefit you.


Answer by  Lisa6938 (485)

Psychologists don't usually speak about themselves in therapy. The goal of the therpaist is simply to poit the patient in the right direction, and have them find their own answers.


Answer by  Zoe (2369)

Generally speaking psychologists will not talk about themselves. They are not supposed to because it is YOUR therapy session. Just like an ear nose and throat doctor wouldn't show you his own inner ear, your therapist probably won't tell you about his/her own life.


Answer by  JP98 (57)

You can ask them about their training and what kind of methods they prefer to use. Many psychologists will not talk about their personal lives, some will be more willing.

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