human body


Question by  Lavtiz29 (9)

What are the smallest bones of the human body?


Answer by  Erynn (1651)

There are three tiny bones in your middle ear essential for hearing; the malleus, stapes, and incus. Of these, the Stapes is smallest.


Answer by  nerd56 (128)

The smallest bones are the ones in your ear. These are commonly called the hammer, anvil and stirrup, and allow you to hear.


Answer by  Mable (3008)

The three smallest bones in the human body are inside our middle ears. They are nicknamed the "hammer," "anvil" and "stirrup" because of their shapes. The proper names are "malleus," "incus" and "stapes."


Answer by  RachelW (932)

There are several very small bones in the human body. The smallest are the bones of the inner ear, but the bones of the face are small also.


Answer by  Anonymous

The three smallest bones in the human body are the hammer(malleus), anvil(incus), and stirrup(stapes). The smallest of these would be the stirrup(stapes). I hope my answer helped you...

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