


Question by  muffinx1 (232)

What are the ingredients of Trim Max tea?


Answer by  Esme (535)

Trim-Maxx is laxative based weight loss pills, which is also available as tea bags. They clean out toxins from body. It contains Locust Plant (Senna), Gynostemma (pentaphyllum), Lyccii Berry Leaf, and Cinnamon. Due to its laxative content it can cause problems to some people.


Answer by  apsaras (408)

Trim Max tea is manufactured from a combination of natural compounds that help to cleanse the body of toxins and impurities. The main ingredients are Locust Plant (cassia angustifolia), Gynostemma (pentaphyllum) and Lyccii Berry Leaf. Some varieties of the tea also contain cinnamon, lemon, cranberries or other flavoring agents.


Answer by  flori (239)

Ingredients: cinnamon (it gives to the tea a better taste), Gynostemma, Lyccii Berry and Senna (being the main ingredient and laxative). Even though in the original recipe is not included I like to put a little of vanilla for taste and calming effect.


Answer by  maggiec1179aolcom (754)

The following ingredients are the ones included in Trim-Maxx tea - It inlcudes Locust Plant (also know as Senna), Gynostemma (pentaphyllum), Lyccii Berry Leaf, and Cinnamon. The cinnamon works well to add flavor to the tea.


Answer by  Missalissa (75)

Trim Max tea is used for weight loss. It contains Locust Plant (cassia angustifolia - also know as Senna), Gynostemma (pentaphyllum), Lyccii Berry Leaf, and Cinnamon.

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