


Question by  Pauli (43)

What are the different types of bread?


Answer by  bb0603 (208)

There are so many different types of bread, here are just a few samples; White Bread, Wheat Bread, Mixed grain, Rye, Sourdough, Damper, Baguette, Beer Bread, Banana Bread, Multi grain, Monkey Bread, Marble Bread, Flat Bread, French Bread, Soda Bread, Spoon Bread, Sweet Bread, Walnut Bread, Whole Wheat, Yeast Bread. Here are many types of breads, enjoy.


Answer by  Fawzi (22)

Types of bread include white(outer part of grain removed),wholegrain(basic form),sourdough(culture of lactobacilli and yeast),spelt(for gluten intolerance),refined and enriched(original nutrients taken out,instead placed vitamins and minerals,sprouted grain,other varieties using different grains.

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