

Question by  worker4240 (36)

What are the benefits of using garlic tablets?


Answer by  sapphire51 (1048)

Garlic tablets helps to lower cholesterol and it is also an aid in helping to lower blood pressure. Garlic tablets can also help your body fight off infections such as colds(meaning that you can cut down on the number of colds that you might catch). Using garlic tablets is good.


Answer by  katrescuer (431)

Their are many benefits of taking garlic pills, garlic pills acts as a blood thinner and keeps you from getting blood clots, it also helps to lower your cholesterol, garlic pills also help fight infection as they are a natural antibiotic. Try the garlic pills that are coated, the gel caps can make you give off an odor.


Answer by  pambam (892)

Garlic tablets have a number of wonderful benefits. Garlic has been found to lower blood pressure and in terms of cholesterol, has shown lipid-lowering effects. Garlic has a large number of potent bioactive compounds that have anticancer properties. Taken at the first signs of a cold, can also prevent a cold or reduce its symptoms.


Answer by  Fan (14)

A drug based on a chemical found in garlic. Can be used for treatment of Type I and II diabetes myelitis.

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