

Question by  tml (538)

What are some reasons for exploratory surgery in dogs?


Answer by  Jolie (1227)

If a dog is dealing with a disease that will result in death and all other options have been explored then this could be an option. Exploratory surgery is used to take care of a dog when it needs help and when you want to keep your family pet alive.


Answer by  Justbarb (98)

Dogs can be associated similar to humans in this category. A sudden loss of weight, lethargy, and vomiting can all be warning signs. If the dog has a found and unidentifiable mass, after x-rays, it may need looking at and/or removal. Unfortunately, these days, cancer along with heart disease has become more common in canines.


Answer by  Sylvia (759)

It can be used to diagnose a condition, find a blockage not seen on x-ray, gather biopsy material, or check wounds (bite - gunshot) for injuries to internal organs.


Answer by  JoAnn (144)

There are lots of reasons for exploratory surgery in dogs. Veterinarians perform them for therapeutic and diagnostic reasons. It often helps find what's the problem with a sick dog.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Exploratory Surgery is often conducted on dogs when they aren't quite sure what the problem is. They will also do it if they know there is a problem in a certain area but they can't quite tell what it is.


Answer by  myowne28 (19)

Sometimes exploratory surgery in dogs will be used to diagnose and treat intestinal obstructions plus every organ in the abdomen can be inspected for any problems that may be causing the dogs illness.

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