

Question by  sanmugam (9)

What are some reasons for dog ultrasounds?


Answer by  doggygirl (141)

Dog ulrasounds are recommended for a variety of reasons including: checking for tumors/cancer, evaluating pregnancy, checking the architecture of different organs, looking for bladder or kidney stones, the list goes on and on. Ultrasounds can be more sensitive at detecting some diseases than x-rays so even if your dog has already had x-rays, an ultrasound may be indicated.


Answer by  surveyjeppson (90)

Ultrasounds can be used to find cancer, heart problems, muscle and or tissue damage. They are even used to determine how many puppies a dog will have.


Answer by  Dottie (51)

Dogs can have ultrasounds done for many reasons, including foreign objects that may have been consumed as well as for pregnancies.


Answer by  Hannae (30)

Ultrasound is cyclic sound pressure with a frequency greater than the upper limit of human hearing. Abdominal Ultrasound in dogs could be use to clarify a diagnosis to a certain disease, and to check for possible pregnancy.


Answer by  boston003 (29)

Dogs can get ultrasounds to see if anything if wrong with their insides, or to see if their pregnant like humans.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

There are many reasons- if your vet heard something in your dog's heart, if there may be an internal issue, intestinal problems, etc. Your best bet is to ask your vet why they asked for an ultrasound- communication with your vet is key, they need your input, and you need them.

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