home improvement


Question by  LeNz (16)

What are some ideas for decorating a minimalist bedroom?


Answer by  ratnam (150)

It should have a doublecoat bed,a wallcuboard, a small table and chair.The windows should have simple curtains. A corner can be decorated with a small flower vase. Infront of the bathroom their should have a smallmat


Answer by  RLozano (213)

Work out what you do in the bedroom: sleep, dress, think, write, whatever. Consider the standard types of furnishings, and what they do. Condense as many functions as possible into each item, freeing you to create. Then figure out what you mean to say. Arrange it in your mind until you can say what you want. Paint simply. Two Colors?


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Asian themes work best for minimalist spaces. They are simple pieces with clean cut lines and elegance. You can get a big bed, nice blinds,a dresser and be done.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

In a minimalist bedroom, the decorations are minimal to non-existant. However, essential items can be decorative. Look for drapes, area rugs, bed covers and throw pillows to coordinate with your design.


Answer by  priyaragunath (36)

First of all the colour u paint should be attractive in ur bedroom i prefer baby pink because u can add some dark glitters to it i prefer black glitters which will look very beautiful and will attract ur bed room u have to put some dark bed sheet ok.

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