

Question by  Karen54 (971)

What are some homemade repellents for armadillos?


Answer by  FluffyKitty (109)

A couple of dogs! Seriously my neighbor chased all his armadillos into my yard by letting his dog loose in his backyard. They barked and chased those things out. I wound up with them and caught them using an empty large garbage can and relocated them after they were trapped.

Reply by ParisianParlay (30):
lol another preventative is to make sure they don't have a place to hide. If you've got a deck use some wood or decorative lattice to block entry for the armadillos. Sink the wood and lattice at least 6 inches into the soil so they can't dig.  add a comment

Answer by  TalkQueen (38)

Armadillo Armageddon is sold at most home improvement store garden centers. It is safe, cheap and effective. It won't hurt your lawn.


Answer by  MablesTime (138)

Research indicates that most products sold and home-made repellents for armadillos are completely ineffective. The most effective method to get rid of them is the use of box traps. You can get some from a pest control company or make your own. City Pest Control will pick them up.

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