


Question by  snapstix (17)

My dog has a large bump or mass on top of her head, what should I do?


Answer by  Michele85 (188)

If you find an abnormal bump on your dog, you should make an appointment with a veterinarian. They can examine the bump and may aspirate it or choose to take a biopsy to send off for a diagnosis. If it is a tumor, it may need surgical removal. Or if it is an abcess, it may need to be drained.


Answer by  hwn2020 (16)

The best thing you can do is take your dog to the Vet and have them check it out; don't be alarmed unless it is affecting the dog somehow.


Answer by  nanook (605)

If your dog has a large bummp or mass on their head you should call your vet and describe what it looks and feels like. If you know it is not from your dog getting hit in the head I would also sugest you make an appointment with the vet.


Answer by  sandypants (8)

Make an appointment to see your vet. They will do tests to find about the masson her head. Don't be surprised if surgery is needed. Make her comfortable because she'll be frightened. wait for surgery and now you can help her ghet her life back.

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