

Question by  pandi68 (35)

Is it good for dogs to chew on sticks?


Answer by  juliannna (639)

If the stick is to small it can get caught in the dogs mouth and cause irritation. there is also the possibility of the dog swallowing it. Just be sure that the dog plays with sticks larger than his throat. It actually helps a dog steeth to chew a stick


Answer by  dingosan8 (407)

Chewing is a natural instinct and quite beneficial to dogs. It should be encouraged to keep teeth clean but provide safer alternatives approved for dogs.


Answer by  spragoo (1500)

No it is not. The sticks can splinter and they can swallow the splinters which will cause problems for their stomach, especially if the splinters cut or puncture their insides. Also, it is bad to play fetch with sticks. They can act as spears for the mouth and vets regularly see dogs in their office for that.


Answer by  dank (114)

Yes and no. While it is good for dogs to chew, a stick might not be the best choice. A piece of the stick out break off and get stuck in your dogs gums or get swallowed. Find a better option for your dog to chew on.

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