


Question by  wickersley (19)

Is Bertoli olive oil superior to other brands?


Answer by  HawaiianGirl (6906)

Bertoli olive oil is a gret brand of olive oil, but i would not say that they are superior than other brands. There are a lot of good brands out there, and it is highly possible you won't be able to tell the cheaper brands apart from Bertolli.


Answer by  trigonometry (668)

Bertoli is one of high-class Italian brands. It sells only "vergine" and "extra-vergine" oils, which means they are the highest quality possible for olive oil. If you prefer it to other brands is a question of taste, but certainly it is a top brand. If you do not like a strong olive taste, I recommend the "vergine" version.


Answer by  dannyg28 (3070)

Olive Oil is made by many companies and Berotli is at the top of the list of most bought due to its superior ingredients.


Answer by  alz (2329)

The olive oil that you like best is often subject to individual tastes. Some people will like Bertoli best while others will not.

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