


Question by  Amanda81 (24)

Is a grain-free diet worth trying?


Answer by  cwarren (21)

Grain is a common item in the food world. Cutting it out completely would take out amazing adventures for one's taste buds. Also, taking out grain takes out an entire block of nutrition available for oneself. Why trouble oneself by searching for strange recipes with strange ingredients when one could just get the nutrition from grain?


Answer by  ace (237)

my daughter is gluten intolerant so for her its worth trying if you have joint pain low energy and feel rough then it may be worth a go


Answer by  sonicfoundation (2597)

Grains are a large part of a healthy and balanced diet. It would be challenging to find adequate nutritional alternatives, and there are no significant benefits to giving up grains.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

A grain free diet helps you lose weight by reducing consumption of high carbohydrate, low density bread. It can also help those with gluten allergies, IBS and other digestive disorders.

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