

Question by  Cjs (11)

If my dog has a hemangiosarcoma, should I have it euthanized?


Answer by  RosemaryL (6)

Hemangiosarcoma is deadly and aggressive, but not hopeless. Surgery may be required initially. Afterward, use proper diet and supplements including detox and immune support as well as Reiki. We won. You can too. Read Ginger's hemangiosarcoma story.


Answer by  LianV (183)

Hemangiosarcoma is a form of cancer in dogs. It is often deadly and treatment can be difficult and painful, involving chemotherapy and surgery. If your dog does survive their treatment it may be at a poor health risk the reast of its life. I would suggest you make an informed decision with your vet and family members.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

You need to talk to your vet about that and then once you are well informed of your options and the treatments availabl you will be able to make a decision based on the facts. And the vet will also be able to give you a prognosis for the dog.


Answer by  tamkees (3203)

This rare, fast-growing, invasive cancer is blood-fed, meaning that its growth is "fed" by blood vessels growing into the tumor itself. Sadly, the cancer usually doesn't show symptoms until it's already too advanced to cure; however, chemotherapy may extend your dog's life for a few months. Your vet can help you best determine when to end your dog's suffering.


Answer by  Dennis59 (86)

If it is a skin tumor it can be treated by medication and surgery. but if the splen,liver or heart are effected it's better to put the dog to sleep.


Answer by  Edward (115)

Try a natural remedy first, such as a liquid/powdered zeolite. Liquid given by mouth at 20 drops twice a day. Powder can be mixed and put on the tumor daily.

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