how to


Question by  ABracken (16)

How should I plant peach seeds so that they'll grow into trees?


Answer by  Nother (102)

First, because the outer seed coating is very hard, scarify it with sandpaper or a file. Place in the refrigerator in a plastic bag for 98-105 days, to break the dormancy of the seed. Then plant outside 2" deep. Or plant outside in the fall in colder climates.


Answer by  Kris (797)

You may not get a peach that's the same as the parent fruit, but it's fun to try. For the best chance of sprouting, plant your seed in a pot in the fall. Plant three inches deep, tamp down soil. Do not over water, and be patient.


Answer by  Rajesh (329)

You have to plant it in a gallon pot about 1 inch under the soil. The soil must be kept moist. This seed will produce into a tree but this tree will not produce fruit. For producing fruit you have to graph the tree.


Answer by  Dukeis (22)

You can plant the seed in a gallon pot about 1 inch under the soil. Keep the soil moist. The seed will produce a tree, but this tree will not produce fruit. You have to graph a tree to produce fruit.

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