

Question by  Gfaaw (143)

How should I go about feeding roaches to herps?


Answer by  HUNM25 (713)

Honestly just dump the bugs in front of the herps. It won't kill you. There is no basic way and you should take a few at a time. Don't throw a whole basket in front of them. Just a little at a time and see when it needs. But throw them from a distance.


Answer by  Dann (114)

Ensure they are captive bred and raised, as wild roaches can have dangerous parasites and pesticides. Accidentally poisoning your poor lizard can be heartbreaking. Then, make sure that the roaches are of an appropriate size for your pet, since you don't want them to choke. And be careful not to let any roaches loose, by accident.


Answer by  Dragon7 (150)

Commercially bred cockroaches are available from many vendors online. You can feed these roaches the same way you feed other live insects.


Answer by  Bugmann (130)

Any herp that normally feeds on crickets can be fed roaches of an appropriate size. Roaches can simply be tossed into your herp's tank, or held with hemostats.

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