


Question by  onesoxmom (21)

How should I go about choosing an accent wall to paint?


Answer by  KWDave (137)

Accent walls tend to draw you into a space. If it is long and narrow, paint the longest wall you see when you enter the door. If the walls are equal or nearly so, paint the wall directly across from the door. Walls that are broken up with doors or windows are also good choices. Leave trim the same throughout.


Answer by  Janey (21)

It is usually constomery to choose a feature wall such as the wall that houses a focal point such as the fireplace or the wall where the TV is positioned.


Answer by  Peg (459)

Decide which wall you'd like to be the focal point or main wall in the room. A good choice would be the wall with a fireplace or the wall where you will house the television set. It will be the main wall that people will automatically be drawn to in the room.


Answer by  jaclark586 (359)

First you should look for a wall that will naturally draw attention to itself. This might be a wall with a large window, the first wall you see when walking in a room etc. Then make sure its not to large to where it totally dominates the room


Answer by  Ava (192)

Stand in the doorway to the room, and accent the wall with the most architectural interest. This may be the window wall, fireplace wall, or one with the largest piece of artwork.


Answer by  way2cute (23)

First take into consideration the room size. If your room is small you would be better served by choosing a lighter shade, dark colors will make the room look smaller. What colors are already present in the room? Choose one of the boldest colors present in the carpet or furniture, this is you accent color.


Answer by  Amom (701)

The wall that you want to visitors to see first should be your accent wall. Accent walls always are the focal point of any room.


Answer by  fred19 (73)

Decide what the decor of the room will be ex.furniture or curtains. Look at these items then choose a color from them that pops at you and doesn't clash with the other color chosen.


Answer by  daddy31 (304)

You can go with your first gut reaction. This usually does the trick! try not to second guess yourself. However, if this seems to be an impossible task, it is probably best to call a person who has experience in painting accent walls. have fun and enjoy the result of what yu have created.


Answer by  martshtml (300)

A good thing to do is to choose a focal point in the room, a wall you would like people to be drawn to when the first walk in. Usually this is a wall with a fire place or a wall that will house the television set. It will be the main wall people are drawn to.


Answer by  Beefcake (23)

When deciding on an accent wall, it is best to consider what wall you want people to focus on, maybe because of the structure, or wanting to decorate it more.

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