

Question by  sauvblanc (96)

How much do you tip people who are not food servers?

Like the person who cuts your hair, or the car wash guys...


Answer by  blahblah (670)

For me, tipping depends on the quality of the service, not what kind of service it is. I usually tip the person who cuts my hair 25% because she's really good and her price is really low. I won't tip at all (even at a restaurant) if the service was lousy.


Answer by  futbol22 (16)

The tipping should go no lower than FIFTEEN percent, no matter what. After that, its up to you.


Answer by  Chrissie (266)

You should tip them 15% as a base rate, more if they do a good job, the same as you tip food servers. That's what the government assumes they're getting tipped, and it calculates their taxes accordingly, so if you don't tip them on that scale, they lose money.


Answer by  PJ (19)

I typically tip 15 - 20% for a good hair cut and blow dry. Hoever, if valeting my car, tipping a cab driver or paying a doorman as well as a car wash attendant, I will give flat fees/rates based on service. Five dollar is usually the normal amount I tip for services.

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