
 garden  yard


Question by  katy (9)

How long does it take for grass to go to seed?


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

It totally depends on what seed and the area it can take anywhere from a week to see shoots to a month or more to see it start sprouting shoots.


Answer by  AD58 (76)

It takes between four and six weeks for the grass seed to grow. Make sure to rake it into the dirt and get water and sun.


Answer by  vatriala (27)

Grass takes about two days to sprout from planting, then it can grow almost an inch a week in good weather. When it is left untrimmed, once it reaches a height of three to five inches, clusters of seeds grow at the end of the blades.


Answer by  DulceDeLeche (219)

You should probably cut the grass before it gets to this point, but you are probably safe for a couple of months. If you are watering heavily (or if it rains a lot) i think some grasses can start going to seed even faster than that.


Answer by  tschebyshev (252)

some grass varieties are hybrids and don't ever grow to the point where they have seeds, but the ones that do, usually develop seeds after they are about one foot tall. the time it takes to get that tall depends on the conditions but it is usually several months.


Answer by  anil (62)

If the grass grows until a certain height i.e., one feet height then that will turn in to seed. Mostly in spring season.

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