

Question by  Kelli (181)

How long do sunburns last?


Answer by  Dana46 (2345)

The red, somewhat swollen and stinging part of a sunburn can last up to three days, depending on the severity. Usually it settles down after 24 hours, but the damaged skin will likely be itchy until it is fully healed.

posted by Anonymous
wow thats got to suck  add a comment

Answer by  Marybeth (841)

They last anywhere from 3 days to about a week. You can ease the discomfort of a sunburn with pure aloe lotion or add vinegar to bath water. Those remedies will take away the sting but not the burn.


Answer by  cammieo (169)

Sunburns can last anywhere from a couple of hours to over a week depending on the severity. Average time for a sunburn that is mild will be about 2 days. Aloe vera helps relieve the pain.


Answer by  Anonymous

no you will die


Answer by  Anonymous

I have a mild burn on both my arms. I was not wearing a strappy top, so my arms are white, and then red. I have a prom in 8 days, So will the redness dissapear in time for my prom????

posted by Anonymous
no you will die  add a comment
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