

Question by  ganesh (84)

How is having twins different from having just one baby?

I mean, aside from the obvious--twice as many diapers!


Answer by  jamieellison (1637)

You will find yourself awake most of the time with twin newborns. Sleep will be hard to come by. When one awakes with crying, the other will most likely awaken if they are in the same room. Also, having twins means having double expenditures at the same time, such as two college education payments.


Answer by  Marsha (2337)

Twins means twice the work but twice the loving and fun. They will always have a playmate. They probably will have a soulmate, my twins are extrememly close. It also means twice the expense! When they get older it becomes more of a sibling thing as opposed to a twins thing. It is wonderful!


Answer by  dr84bhl (2789)

When a mother carries twins she does not normally go full term because of the weight your uterus goes into labor early this is why some twins are born prematurely. When a mother is coming up to 30 weeks she is advised to rest as much as possible so the babies can stay in the womb nearer to 40 weeks.


Answer by  twinsline (41)

Ha! yes twice the diapers, twice the supplies is the obvious! I was a mother of 1 before I was of twins, with one baby you can nap when they nap... with twins it never failed when one slept the other was up and ready! Feed one, there's the other! It's constant! but definitely twice the smiles!

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