


Question by  JessicaL (21)

How hardy are dwarf Japanese maples?

I am considering these trees.


Answer by  koti (205)

Japanese Dwarf Maples are hardy and reliable trees and grow sturdy. No fertilizer is needed, just regular watering and a good drainage system. Also trees need to be planted in shade or semi shade.


Answer by  Barbarehardy (37)

Dwarf Japanese Maple trees are hardy in the northern states. i have owned them in upstate New York and in Michigan, and in both places the trees overwintered perfectly. These trees also seem to resist insect damage.


Answer by  beck (1099)

They are hardy once you have gotten past the establishing point. When you plant them make sure you backfill with plenty of good topsoil, then soak the tree with water. This will help remove any air pockets in the soil. If need be, put more topsoil around it after the soaking. After that, just make sure you keep it pruned.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

They are a very hardy tree and as far as I know they grow in almost all zones try doing a net search on them for more information.

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