

Question by  ToughTime (35)

How early can one miscarry?


Answer by  Gizzy38 (140)

Actually many women miscarry and don't even know they were pregnant. Sometimes the body does a 'practice' and just doesn't allow the embryo to attach. The woman might experience more cramping or bleeding than normal, and might start a few days late, but otherwise not think a thing of it.


Answer by  dubhreubel (501)

A miscarriage can occur at any time after implantation of the zygote in the uterine wall. Before implantation, pregnancy loss is classified as a chemical pregnancy.


Answer by  amber33 (1941)

You can miscarry right away, from the time that you find out that your expecting until the very end. The most likly time to miscarry is during the first three months. But it can happen any time during your pregnancy. If you have any concerns I would talk to your doctor about them.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Basically shortly after conception. Most miscarriages happen before the woman even is aware that she is pregnant. Some happen later in the pregnancy.


Answer by  Aumin (276)

Although many do not realize it, you can miscarry even between the first 4 weeks of a pregnancy. The thing though is that most would never know that they have.

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