

Question by  gogokittie (2)

How can I use garlic as a home remedy for scabies?

...just wondering...


Answer by  Julie (172)

Pressed Garlic can either be applied directly to the skin, twice daily for one week, or you may mix the garlic with another agent, Mix the anise and the garlic and apply to the skin. The infection should disappear in about a week. Either concoction smells terrible, so make sure you have a small jar of vaporub handy during treatments.


Answer by  TamanduaGirl (77)

You must crush the garlic to a paste and rub it on the scabies. It can help to mix it with neem oil but you can use garlic alone.


Answer by  slsweet (45)

You can take garlic tablets to address the scabies problem from the inside. You can also rub garlic directly on the scabies. Either cut the garlic in half and rub the cut side on or you can mash the garlic up and then apply it as more of a cream (this will have a strong smell).


Answer by  lulu (20)

According to things I read on the web, you can take a raw clove of garlic and rub it on the affected area until the itching stops. You will probably have to do this often and will smell like garlic as a result. You can also take garlic supplements, available in capsule form. This is also take some time.


Answer by  canac51 (0)

Hello, I also have Scabies and I crush fresh garlic bulbs add some fresh lemon juice, and some apple viniger and take a cotton ball and rub on infected areas and those little buggers just fall out it works great I apply 3 or 4 times Cheers

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