

Question by  s666666666666 (26)

How can I prevent blisters on the arch of my foot?


Answer by  DulceDeLeche (219)

there really shouldn't be too much friction (the cause of blisters) at the arch. the soles of your shoes are probably not compatible with your feet - so you might consider trying new soles or new shoes. also, there might be some other disturbance, like a sock wrinkle.


Answer by  samus42 (24)

Wearing soft, thick socks and comfortable shoes can help to prevent blisters on your feet, particularly if you are walking or running a long distance. If you should feel a blister begin to form, in what is known as a "hot spot," stop walking as soon as possible and apply a moleskin ring to the area.


Answer by  Harry (27)

The way you can prevent blisters on the arch of your foot is to wear socks that would include a thicker brand and making sure the socks are pulled up.

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