home improvement


Question by  pbob (19)

How can I fix drips that have dried in enamel paint?


Answer by  Rogbog (203)

Use very fine grade of sand paper. Holding a piece of 80-100 grade sand paper in your hand very lightly start to sand down each drop making sure not to touch the enamel paint surface itself. For bigger drops cut out with a utility knife then sand them down smooth with the enamel surface.


Answer by  Gfaaw (143)

You need to sand the drips off the surface. If you sand all the way to the bare surface, you will need to prime, then paint the surface.


Answer by  dragndust (52)

Lightly sand the area with fine sandpaper. Sand beyond the drips, taking care not to leave an obvious depression. Wipe the area with a damp cloth, and repaint.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

As far as I know there is really no way to fix that if there is I would assume it would be to find someone and have the sink sanded down and refinished other than that it would mean buying a new sink and having it installed that would probably be the cheaper way to go.

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