

Question by  Arshkabarf (14)

Do kids still get paper routes?

We used to have a kid deliver the paper and collect every week. Who does it now?


Answer by  patti (29325)

Paper routes are now handled by adult in cars. Kids delivering the paper on their bikes and punching your collections card on Saturdays are things filed under "nostalgia" now. The kids were not reliable so coverage was always a problem, safety became an issue, delivery areas are much larger, payment methods have changed, so it's all different now.


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

Because there is a lack of skilled jobs, many adults take a paper route and drive the papers everyday. Many older adults take a route to help suppliment their income. If you are interested, call your paper's circulation department and ask if there is an opening coming up or just watch the help wanted.

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