


Question by  jeffw (173)

Do female dogs pursue male dogs?


Answer by  katharine (3981)

Yes, if a female dog is in heat and is ready to breed she will pursue a male dog to mate with. In a female dog's heat, there is only a part of it where she will allow a male to mate with her. During part of her heat cycle she won't let males near her.


Answer by  Rathjinngmailcom (234)

When female dogs are in heat or esterus they have been known to pursue male dogs with one single goal in mind. Female dogs have the same drive as male dogs do to procreate.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

Usually no. The female dog usually leaves a scent and the male dog smells the scent and follows the scent to wherever the female dog is. If you have the female dog fixed, she will not leave a scent and your problems will be over with.


Answer by  salina (943)

As far as mating goes no. I female dog will pursue a male in a alpha or "pack" situation to show who is the leader and who is the pack member. Females will "flag" a male when she is ready to breed. She will do this to get the attention of the male. Good Luck.

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