

Question by  deshpandev65yahoocom (149)

Can I build a chimney out of cultured stone?


Answer by  LeheckaG (1826)

No; at least not completely/entirely. Owens-Corning () (R) manufacturers hearth-stones & stone-veneers which can be used for non-traffic floor-protectors & wall-shields on fireplace-hearths. You need to use OTHER-materials for a chimney-liner & structural-support; Cultured-Stone only works as a facing or veneer. Cultured-Stone supplies interactive fireplace design software.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

Yes, you can. They can be made for a fire place and the chimney outside. There are companies that do this. I would contact the city and find out if it can be done and what procedures you can take to get it done.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Yes, you can but I highly recommend that you don't. It is better to use brick to build a chimney. It provides more sturdiness for the chimney and that is why it is better.


Answer by  wayne606 (20)

According to the Owens Corning Cultured Stone website, you can use it for a chimney facade. You probably could not use it for the parts of the chimney exposed to heat - you need to use fire brick.

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