health conditions


Question by  buddha (17)

Can a doctor drain a blister from a burn?


Answer by  RRGKK (412)

Yes, and if it is a serious burn, it may be infected, and you should see a doctor for proper treatment. An infected burn can become a problem quickly, so if there is any redness, pus, or shooting red lines from the wound, seek medical assistance immediately. It can lead to serious complications.


Answer by  ToralDwivedi (606)

Blister on skin after burns contains protein rich fluid which sppeds healing. If the blister is incised and drained, there are chances of skin infection. Usually fluid of undamaged blister gets reabsorbed in 5-7 days and healing in such cases is better and faster. Uninfected post burn blister speeds healing.


Answer by  Sensitivesoul (27)

Yes. Make an appointment with your physician to have the blister evaluated. Your doctor can look at the blister and decide if it is necessary to drain it or not. You shouldn't try to drain a blister yourself due to risk of infection.


Answer by  lbj (132)

Yes, a doctor will often use sterile instruments to drain a blister. Not using sterile instruments could lead to an infection.


Answer by  garymarkle (599)

A dotor could drain a blister from a burn, however doctors stay away from this practice, because of the danger of infection. It is recommended that the blister is covered with a steril bandage, and that the bandage be tented up, so that no pressure is put directly on the effected area to cause a rupture.


Answer by  user1583 (28)

A doctor can drain a blister but most physicians will tell you that it is best to let it heel on its own trying to drain it yourself could cause an infection.

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