health conditions


Question by  nanook (605)

Are there any ADHD cures?


Answer by  Katy26 (9)

No, there are no cures for ADHD. However, there are treatments to help sufferers deal with the symtoms of ADHD.


Answer by  liblue (683)

Many doctors feel that adhd cannot be cured but controlled. Medication combined with behavior theray are some ways to deal with it. Exercise is another way and ideally multiple ways are the best remedy. This condition is one that needs alot of reinforcers in emotional, physical and atmospheric ways. Habits can help and cosisitency is key.


Answer by  JaneH (40)

There is no cure for ADHD but there are many treatment options. Treatment ranges from prescription medicine, natural remedies and psychological treatment.


Answer by  Jackie50 (360)

There is no official cure,but some people believe eating a more natural diet, having regular exercise, and taking herbs such as oatstraw and skullcap may help.


Answer by  herzog (555)

Adhd seems to be genetically based most of the time so I doubt if there can be a "cure" as such. There are means to manage it.

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