


Question by  persuasion (11)

Are chives and scallions the same thing?


Answer by  Kagie1 (85)

No Chives and scallions are not the same thing.. there is a big difference. I planted chives this past spring. You eat the thin stalk of a chive. Their taste is mild and I use them chopped fine in cheese dips. Scallions have a much stronger taste to them and they have a bulb like a small onion.


Answer by  Bob3782 (161)

Chives and scallions are not the same thing, although you cqan often substitute one for the other in many recipes. Chives are thin and look like grass. Scallions are fatter and the white bottom portion is usually what is sliced up and used for cooking. Both chives and scallions taste like onions.


Answer by  thattractorguy (2970)

Chives are a plant food found in gardens. Scallions are basically a more fancy name for a green onion. Although they are both green and smell like an onion, they are different. Chives are put onto baked potatoes; green onions are great for salads and soups. Chives have a mild onion flavor while scallions onion flavor is more pronounce.


Answer by  lulu899 (56)

Scallions are also known as "green onions" in many supermarkets, and they are often used in salads and cooking. Chives, however, are more of a garnish. Chives are much thinner.


Answer by  thewindrose (642)

No, although they are in the same allium family, along with onions, shallots and leeks. Scallion is another term for green or spring onions. When cooking, if the scallions are being used as a garnish, you can use chives instead, however, chives do not hold up well to long cooking so should not be used when heat is involved.

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