home decorating


Question by  KathyB (276)

According to Feng shui, how should I place my L-shaped desk?


Answer by  JohnHolmes (2660)

It should be placed in the open area of a room away from walls and other items almost as if to call attention to itself. You should also place it on an angle perpendicular to the main entrance door.


Answer by  thattractorguy (2970)

Your desk should be place in such a way that you are facing the entrance or exit door because in feng shui you do not want to be startled when someone comes into the room. Make sure your desk has enough room around it so you do not run into it when you get up or down from your chair.


Answer by  Nelsie (18)

Always try to have less space behind your desk and more space in front. So placing your desk with the wall behind you, allows you to have good chi. Place your desk with the long part of the L on your left and the short part in front of you.

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